Here we present an update of the R package for the Combined Analysis
of Epistasis and Pleiotropy, or cape
. This package
implements a method, originally described in Carter et al. (2012), that infers directed
interaction networks between genetic variants for predicting the
influence of genetic perturbations on quantitative traits. This method
takes advantage of complementary information in partially pleiotropic
genetic variants to resolve directional influences between variants that
interact epistatically. cape
can be applied to a variety of
genetic variants, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), copy
number variations (CNVs) or structural variations (SVs). Here we
demonstrate the functionality of cape
by inferring a
predictive network between quantitative trait loci (QTL) in a cross
between the non-obese, non-diabetic (NON) mouse and the New Zealand
obese (NZO) mouse (Reifsnyder 2000).
To install cape use:
After installation load cape with the following command:
The current version of cape recognizes data in multiple formats: R/qtl, R/qtl2, and PLINK.
Data for the demonstrations below can be found in the demo folder CAPE github site:
Use the green “Code” button in the upper right of the page to download the repository and put it where you keep code or projects or other things of this nature. The top level of the folder has a .here file in it from the here package. This will anchor any R session opened in this folder to the top level and path names can be constructed using just folder names. For example, to create a path that points to the parameter file in the demo_PLINK folder, use the following command:
param_file_path <- here("demo", "demo_PLINK", "0_plink.parameters_0.yml")
Open R and set the working directory to cape_master after downloading
the code linked above. This will allow the relative paths constructed
with here()
in the demo code to find the data and parameter
files it needs.
Also make sure the package here is installed and loaded.
In addition to supporting the newer R/qtl2 (Karl W. Broman et al. (2019)) format, we also
support the R/qtl (Karl W. Broman et al.
(2003)) csv format for cape. You can learn more about this format
at the R/qtl website. Briefly, this
format contains all traits and genotypes in one comma-delimited file.
The first few columns contain traits, covariates, and individual
identifiers, and the remaining contain genotypes. Please see the qtl
demo data included with cape for an example. Also see
for more details.
To read in data with this format, we use
, followed by cape2mpp
, which
updates the object to the newer cape format.
The two final objects, obesity_cross
hold all the data that cape
to run. obesity_cross
holds phenotype and metadata, and
holds genotype data. These can be use in the
and geno_obj
arguments in the
function, which we will use later on.
data_file <- here("demo", "demo_qtl", "data", "NON_NZO_Reifsnyder_pgm_CAPE_num.csv")
param_file <- here("demo", "demo_qtl", "0_NON_NZO.parameters_0.yml")
cross <- read_population(data_file)
## The genotypes are encoded as 0, 1, 2.
## Converting to 0, 0.5, 1.
## Removing markers on the X chromosome
## Missing values detected in the genotype matrix.
## If you are planning to use the kinship correction, please use impute.geno() to impute the genotype data.
## Read in the following data:
## - 208 individuals -
## - 84 markers -
## - 8 phenotypes -
Many researchers are now using the updated R/qtl2 (Karl W. Broman et al. (2019)), and we also provide ways to handle data in this format. If you are not familiar with qtl2, we highly recommend reading about it and testing it out. R/qtl2 is the definitive genetic mapping package, and the outstanding documentation can answer many basic questions about genetic mapping.
The following code shows how to access remote example data provided
by Karl Broman for the qtl2 package. For both accessing remote data, or
local data, we use the read_cross2
function from qtl2 to
read in the data, and then qtl2_to_cape
to convert the qtl2
object to a cape object.
Completely new to this version of cape is the ability to load files formatted for PLINK (Purcell et al. (2007)). This enables broader use of cape by researchers who are interested in studying genetic interactions in human cohorts.
We have provided example data with the cape demo_plink. Please see the PLINK website for more information about PLINK and formatting data for PLINK.
For cape, we require a ped file, a map file, and a phenotype file. PLINK standard format includes only one trait, and cape requires at least two traits. We therefore need the phenotype file in the pheno.txt format as described here.
To generate the data for the demo included in cape, we downloaded example PLINK hapmap data.
To reduce the size of the data set for demonstration purposes, we sampled 1000 the SNPs in the data set using PLINK:
./plink –file hapmap1 –make-bed –thin-count 1000 –recode –out test
We generated two random, normally distributed phenotypes for the phenotype file. These are not particularly interesting, but they do demonstrate what the files should look like.
The following code shows how to read in PLINK data, use the function
to read in the map, ped, and phenotype
This code is also included in demo_PLINK.R, which is included with cape.
data_path <- here("demo", "demo_PLINK", "data")
ped <- file.path(data_path, "test.ped")
map <- file.path(data_path, "")
pheno <- file.path(data_path, "test.pheno")
out <- file.path(data_path, "test.csv")
param_file <- here("demo", "demo_PLINK", "0_plink.parameters_0.yml")
cross_obj <- plink2cape(ped, map, pheno, out = "out.csv")
data_obj <- cross_obj$data_obj
geno_obj <- cross_obj$geno_obj$geno
In this vignette, we will reanalyze a data set described in Reifsnyder (2000). This experiment was performed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for obesity and other risk factors of type II diabetes in a reciprocal back-cross of non-obese non-diabetic NON/Lt mice and the diabetes-prone, New Zealand obese (NZO/HILt) mice. The study found multiple main-effect QTL influencing phenotypes associated with diabetes and obesity as well as multiple epistatic interactions. In addition, maternal environment (i.e. whether the mother was obese) was found to interact with several markers and epistatic pairs to influence the risk of obesity and diabetes of the offspring. The complex nature of diabetes and obesity, along with their complex and polygenic inheritance patterns, make this data set ideal for an analysis of epistasis and pleiotropy.
Included in this dataset are 204 male mice genotyped at 85 MIT markers across the genome. The phenotypes included are the body weight (g), insulin levels (ng/mL), and the log of plasma glucose levels (mg/dL), all measured at age 24 weeks. In addition, there is a variable called ``pgm’’ indicating whether the mother of each mouse was normal weight (0) or obese (1).
These data can be accessed through the demo_qtl demonstration code, which was loaded above.
Before proceeding with an analysis we recommend exploring the data visually. cape provides a few basic functions for looking at distributions of traits and the correlations between traits.
The figure below shows distributions of three traits: body weight at
24 weeks (BW_24), serum insulin levels (INS_24), and the log of serum
glucose levels (log_GLU_24). We have selected these traits out of all
traits included in the data set by using the pheno_which
argument. Leaving this argument as NULL includes all traits in the
Body weight looks relatively normally distributed, but glucose and insulin have obviously non-normal distributions. We can see this in a different way by looking at the Qnorm plots for each trait using `qnorm_pheno.’
In general we recommend mean centering and normalizing all traits
before proceeding with the analysis. Trait normalization can be achieved
through log transformation, quantile normalization, or another method
before the analysis. The function norm_pheno
uses quantile
normalization to fit the phenotypes to a normal distribution. Briefly,
this process ranks the trait values and divides by n-1. It then returns
the quantiles of the normal distribution using qnorm.
centering subtracts the mean value from each trait, and standardizing
divides by the standard deviation.
Now when we plot the distributions compared to a theoretical normal distribution, we see that our traits are much closer to normally distributed. Insulin still has a ceiling effect, which cannot be removed by normalization because rank cannot be determined among equal values.
Cape relies on the selection of two or more traits that have common genetic factors but are not identical across all individuals. One indirect way at getting at this is through trait correlation. Traits that are modestly correlated may have both common and divergent contributing genetic factors. This is in contrast to traits that are perfectly correlated and likely have only common genetic influences, and to traits that are completely uncorrelated and likely have divergent genetic influences.
We can look at the correlation of the traits in our data set using
The figure below shows the correlations
between all pairs of traits. Here, we have also colored the points by
the covariate “pgm” to look for some initial trends. You can see that
mice with obese mothers tended to have higher body weight, insulin
levels, and glucose levels.
The lower triangle of panels in the figure below shows the point
clouds of each pair of traits plotted against each other. The diagonal
shows the distribution of each individual trait, and the upper triangle
gives numeric information about pairwise correlations. If
is not specified, only the overall pearson R
values are shown for each trait pair. If color_by
specified, we show the overall correlation as well as correlations for
each group in color_by.
plot_pheno_cor(obesity_cross, pheno_which = c("BW_24", "INS_24", "log_GLU_24"),
color_by = "pgm", group_labels = c("Non-obese", "Obese"))
The traits in this data set are all modestly correlated, which is ideal for cape. In addition, we have selected traits from a range of physiological levels. Body weight is a high-level physiological trait, whereas glucose and insulin levels are endophenotypes measured at the molecular level.
Cape measures interactions between pairs of genes across all traits with the assumption that different genetic interactions identified for a single gene pair in the context of different phenotypes represent multiple manifestations of a single underlying gene network. By measuring the interactions between genetic variants in different contexts we can gain a clearer picture of the network underlying statistical epistasis (Carter et al. 2012).
Before starting a cape run, we need to specify all the parameters for the run in a parameter file. We use a .yml file for these parameters. A .yml file holds information easily readable to both humans and computers. We have multiple examples of cape parameter files in the demo folder associated with the cape package. It is probably easiest to start with one of these and modify it to fit your data. The following sections describe each cape parameter in the yml file.
The section of general parameters is where we specify which traits we will use, whether we want cape to normalize the traits for us, and whether we want cape to save the results. This is also the section in which we tell cape whether we want to use a kinship correction or not. kinship corrections are discussed further below.
If a parameter has multiple entries, for example we always want to test multiple traits, each entry gets its own line starting with a dash.
traits: This is where the traits to be scanned are entered. Each trait is entered on its own line preceded by a dash.
covariates: Any covariates are entered here. These are originally part of the trait matrix and are designated by cape as covariates. Each covariate specified is included as an additive covariate in each model, and also tested as an interactive covariate. Here we specify “pgm” as our covariate.
scan_what: This parameter refers to whether we will scan individual traits or composite traits called eigentraits. Eigentraits are calculated by factoring the trait matrix by singular value decomposition (SVD):
\[Y = U \cdot V \cdot W^{T}\]
Where \(Y\) is a matrix containing one column for each mean-centered, normalized phenotype and one row for each individual. If \(Y\) contains more individuals than phenotypes, the \(U\) matrix has the same dimensions as Y with each column containing one eigentrait. \(V\) contains the singular values, and \(W^{T}\) contains the right singular vectors in rows. See Carter et al. (2012) for more details.
The SVD de-correlates the traits concentrating phenotypic features into individual eigentraits. One benefit of this process is that variants that are weakly correlated to several traits due to common underlying processes may be strongly correlated to one of the eigentraits. This eigentrait captures the information of the underlying process, making strong main effects distributed between traits easier to detect and identify as potential interaction loci and/or covariates.
To specify using individual traits, set scan_what
raw_traits. To specify using eigentraits, set scan_what
traits scaled: This is a logical value (true/false) indicating whether cape should mean center and standardize the traits.
traits normalized: This is a logical value indicating whether cape should normalize the traits.
eig_which: After performing the SVD to create orthogonal eigentraits, you may wish to analyze only a subset of them in cape. For example, if the first two eigentraits capture more than 90% of the trait variance, you may wish to discard the last eigentrait. This results in a loss of some information, but may increase power to detect important trait-related signals.
To specify which eigentraits to use, enter each on its own line. This is a bit more tedious than simply entering a number of eigentraits, but offers a little more flexibility in case you would like to analyze eigentraits that don’t necessarily start at eigentrait 1.
pval_correction: This is where we specify the
correction for multiple testing. It can be any of the options in
“holm”, “hochberg”, “hommel”, “bonferroni”, “BH”,
“BY”, “fdr”, or “none.”
use_kinship: A logical value indicating whether to use a kinship correction.
pop: This parameter is only necessary to set if
use_kinship is set to true. If use_kinship is true, pop can be one of
“2PP” for a two-parent cross, “MPP” for a multi-parent cross, or “RIL”
for a recombinant inbred line. This parameter is passed to
to inform the calculation of the kinship
save_results: A logical value indicating whether results should be written to files.
use_saved_results A logical value indicating whether cape should use data already written to file. This can be helpful if a job aborts partway through. You can use everything that has been calculated already and save time on the next run. If use_saved_results is true, only results that don’t already exist will be calculated. This can cause problems if there has been a parameter change between two runs, and there is a mismatch between previously calculated results and new results. We recommend setting this to false for most cases.
transform_to_phenospace A logical value indicating that is required scanning eigentraits. If true, all effects are rotate back to trait space after calculation, such that the final networks show marker influences on traits. If false, all effects will be kept in terms of eigentraits, and all final tables and plots will show marker effects on eigentraits.
Cape performs marker regression on individual markers before running the pairwise tests. If there are more markers than can be tested reasonably in the pairwise scan, cape uses the results from the single-locus scan to select markers for the pairwise scan.
ref_allele: The reference allele. In two-parent populations, this will usually be allele A (major allele). In multi-parent populations, this may be a different allele. For example, the C57B6/J mouse is often used as a reference strain in mouse studies. It is also one of the founders of the Diversity Outbred (DO) and Collaborative Cross (CC) mice (Chesler et al. 2008), and serves as a reasonable reference. To specify the B6 mouse as the reference, use its letter code “B” as the reference allele. All alleles in cape are stored as individual letters, A through the number of alleles that are present. For example, there are eight founder alleles in the DO/CC mice that are represented by the letters A through H.
singlescan_perm: This parameter specifies the number of permutations done in the single-locus scan. It is perfectly okay to set this to 0. The permutations are not used for anything in cape. They simply allow you to make a first-pass glance at identifying markers with main effects in your data. However, if you are interested in doing the main effect scan properly, we recommend using R/qtl2 (Karl W. Broman et al. 2019).
alpha: If “singlescan_perm” is a number greater than
0, you can also specify a significance threshold alpha. If alpha is
specified, cape will calculate an effect size threshold for each value
of alpha. These can be plotted using plot_singlescan
As mentioned above, the single-locus scan is primarily used to select markers for the pairwise scan. We usually do this by selecting the markers with the largest main effects. Alternatively, you can also specify markers for the pairwise scan using a text file.
marker_selection_method: This parameter should be either “top_effects”, or “from_list.” If “top_effects,” cape will select markers for the pair scan based on their main effects across all traits in the single-locus scan. In this case, a few additional parameters need to be specified:
peak_density: To select markers for the pairscan, cape first identifies peaks in effect size across all traits, and samples markers within the peaks for further testing. “peak_density” specifies the fraction of markers that will be sampled uniformly from under a large peak. For example, if “peak_density” is set to 0.5, 50% of markers under a peak will be selected for downstream testing. For populations with high linkage disequilibrium (LD), you might want to set this lower to get a better sampling of peaks from across the genome with less redundancy. For a population with low LD, you may want to set this parameter higher to get a better sampling of markers with large main effects.
num_alleles_in_pairscan: This parameter sets how many markers will be tested in the pairwise scan. Cape is relatively computationally intensive, and we cannot do exhaustive pairwise testing in densely genotyped populations. We suggest limiting this number to around 1500 markers. These can be tested in roughly 24 hours using 2 or 3 traits/eigentraits and 1.5 million permuted tests. Increasing the number of traits/eigentraits analyzed substantially increases the time of a run, and it might be necessary to lower the number of markers tested further if there are many traits/eigentraits in the analysis.
tolerance: In selecting markers by their main effect size, cape starts at a high effect size, and gradually lowers it until it has collected the desired number of markers. The “tolerance” gives cape some wiggle room in how many markers are selected. If “num_alleles_in_pairscan” is 100 and the “tolerance” is 5, cape will allow any number of markers between 95 and 105.
snp_file: If “marker_selection_method” is “from_list” a file name needs to be specified. The file must be in the results directory. It is a tab-delimited text file with one column. The column should contain the names of the markers to be tested in the pairscan. This can get a little tricky for multi-parent crosses. Because cape tests individual alleles and not markers in the pair scan, the markers must also have the allele name appended with an underscore (“_“). This is relatively simple for a two-parent cross: If the reference allele is A, all markers will just have a”_B” appended to their name. If, however, this is a multi-parent population, specifying the correct allele is important. Any of the alleles other than the reference can be specified for each marker. The underscore introduces another little complication, which is that no underscores are allowed in marker names except to separate the marker name from the allele. If there are underscores in marker names, cape deletes these. This means that any file specifying marker names for the pairscan should also remove all underscores that are not separating the marker name from the allele. This is a bit cumbersome, but can be completely avoided by setting “marker_selection_method” to “top_effects.”
The pairwise scan has a few additional parameters to set. Because testing genetic markers in LD can lead to false positives, we refrain from testing marker pairs that are highly correlated. This (Pearson) correlation is set by the user as “max_pair_cor”. We generally use a value of 0.5 in our own work, but this can be raised or lowered depending on your own assessment of the influence of LD in your population.
max_pair_cor: A numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the maximum Pearson correlation that two markers are allowed in pairwise testing. If the correlation between a pair of markers exceeds this threshold, the pair is not tested. If this value is set to NULL, “min_per_genotype” must have a numeric value.
min_per_geno: This is an alternative way to limit the effect of LD on pairwise testing. This number sets the minimum number of individuals allowable per pairwise genotype combination. If for a given marker pair, one of the genotype combinations is underrepresented, the marker pair is not tested. Setting this parameter is not recommended if you have continuous genotype probabilities, as the number of genotype combinations will be too high. If this value is NULL, max_pair_cor must have a numeric value.
pairscan_null_size: This parameter can be a little confusing, as it is different from the number of permutations to run in the the pairwise scan. Carter et al. (2012) showed that multiple tests from a single permutation can be combined to create the null distribution for cape statistics. This saves enormously on time. So instead of specifying the number of permutations, we specify the total size of the null distribution. If you are testing 100 markers, you will test at most 100 choose 2, or 4950 marker pairs. Choose a “pairscan_null_size” that is at least as big as the number of marker pairs you are testing. For smaller numbers of markers, you may want to choose a null distribution size that is many times larger than the number of pairs you are testing.
Unlike previous versions of cape, which required the user to perform
many individual steps, this version of cape can be run with a single
command run_cape
. The line below runs the complete cape
pipeline for the demo NON/NZO mouse backcross. If you run this line
interactively, set verbose to TRUE to see the progress printed to your
screen. When verbose is set to FALSE, important messages are still
printed, but printing of progress is suppressed.
Note on results: To have the results files saved so that you
can visualize them without further commands, open up the parameter file
0_NON_NZO.parameters_0.yml, and set save_results
. This will tell cape to save results files to the
results directory. Otherwise, only the final_cross
is returned, and plots must be generated using further commands.
To use the saved results, set use_saved_results
. This will enable you to read in and use previously
saved results in case the cape run halts before finishing.
param_file <- here("demo", "demo_qtl", "0_NON_NZO.parameters_0.yml")
results_path <- here("demo", "demo_qtl")
final_cross <- run_cape(obesity_cross, obesity_geno, results_file = "NON_NZO",
p_or_q = 0.05, verbose = FALSE, param_file = param_file, results_path = results_path)
## Removing 18 individuals with missing phenotypes.
The benefit to this new function is obvious: cape is now much easier to run. However, it comes with a sizeable reduction in flexibility. For most users the benefit of the increased ease of use will far outweigh the decrease in flexibility.
If you do need of more flexibility, all functions in the function
are exported, so the entire analysis can be run
step-by-step as it was in earlier versions. All plotting functions are
also exported to allow greater flexibility in plotting. Although
does some plotting automatically, as long as
is set to true in the parameter file, you may
wish to re-run some plotting functions with your own settings.
However you choose to run cape, the cape team is very happy to answer any questions and to help with running or interpreting any cape analysis.
As described above, the first step performed by cape is typically to decompose the trait matrix into eigentraits. This is done if “scan_what” is set to “eigentraits.”
This step uses singular value decomposition (SVD) to decompose the trait matrix into orthogonal eigentraits. Because we use modestly correlated traits in cape by design, the eigentrait decomposition may help concentrate correlated signals, that are otherwise distributed across traits, into individual eigentraits. This potentially increases power to detect variants associated with the common components of groups of traits.
Cape uses the function plot_svd
to plot the results of
the SVD. The plot for the NON/NZO data set are shown below.
In the example illustrated here, the first eigentrait captures 75% of the total trait variance. This eigentrait describes the processes by which body weight, glucose levels, and insulin levels all vary together. The correlations between obesity and risk factors for obesity, such as elevated insulin and fasting glucose levels are well known (Permutt, Wasson, and Cox 2005; Das and Elbein 2006; Haffner 2003). The second eigentrait captures 14% of the variance in the phenotypes. It captures the processes through which glucose and body weight vary in opposite directions. This eigentrait may be important in distinguishing the genetic discordance between obesity and diabetes. While obesity is a strong risk factor for diabetes, not all those who are obese have diabetes, and not all those with diabetes are obese (Permutt, Wasson, and Cox 2005; Burcelin et al. 2002).
The third eigentrait is less interpretable biologically, as it describes the divergence of blood glucose and insulin levels. It may represent a genetic link between glucose and body weight that is non-insulin dependent. Because we are primarily interested in the connection between diabetes and insulin, we used only the first two eigentraits for the analysis. In many cases in which more than two phenotypes are being analyzed, the first two or three eigentraits will capture the majority of the variance in the data and capture obvious features. Other eigentraits may capture noise or systematic bias in the data. Often the amount of total variance captured by such eigentraits is small, and they can be removed from the analysis.
Ultimately, there is no universal recipe for selecting which eigentraits should be included in the analysis, and the decision will be based on how the eigentraits contribute to the original phenotypes and how much variance in the data they capture.
After computing eigentraits, we go on to perform marker regression on all individual markers:
\[U_{i}^{j} = \beta_{0}^{j} + x_{i}\beta^{j} + \epsilon_{i}^{j}\]
The index \(i\) runs from 1 to the number of individuals, and \(j\) runs from 1 to the number of eigentraits or traits. \(x_{i}\) is the probability of the presence of the reference allele for individual \(i\) at locus \(j\). The primary purpose of this scan is is to select markers for the pairwise scan if there are too many to test exhaustively.
Although run_cape
creates files with the singlescan
results automatically, it is also sometimes desireable to re-plot these
results with different parameters. We show how to do that below by
reading in the singlescan results file and using
with parameters different from those in